The President's Bodyguard, an esteemed unit of the Indian Army, has inaugurated a specialised horse riding training program exclusively tailored for young girls in Ladakh. This ground-breaking initiative is geared towards fostering gender equality and offering promising prospects for the development of equestrian skills among Ladakhi girls. The program has been meticulously crafted to present both physical and mental challenges, providing the participants with an extraordinary and exhilarating experience.
We take immense pride in Ms. Jigmet Stanzin of our school, who enthusiastically participated in the prestigious President’s Bodyguard Polo Camp 2023 for the Ladakh Girls Polo Team, held at the President’s Bodyguard Parade Ground in New Delhi. In recognition of her outstanding achievement, our Principal, in the presence of the Honourable Councillor of Chuchot Constituency, Shri. Mirza Hussain, and Coach Moh’d Raza, extended heartfelt congratulations to Jigmet Stanzin. He also encouraged her to continue participating in such events, thus bringing honor not only to the school but to the entire region of Ladakh.
The Principal conveyed his gratitude to the Honourable Lt. Governor of Ladakh, the Chairman of LAHDC Leh, as well as all relevant officials and authorities who have facilitated this invaluable training opportunity for girls from Ladakh through the esteemed President’s Bodyguard.