One of our outstanding cyclist students Master Tsewang Norboo wins Gold Medal in U-19 category at MTB 2022 Held in Tawang. Norboo finishes within 8 hrs, 25 mins, 26.166 secs, whereas runner up Arjun Subba Assam finishes within 9 hrs, 11 mins, 01.520 sec in the junior men’s category. There is approximately a gap of 1 hour between the winner and runner up, which is a record breaking timing. At present he is representing Ladakh in the tournaments within India and represents India in International Championship. He has been participating in all the major cycling competitions right from District level to the National level competitions. He is an inspiration and a role model for all cycle lovers. He has got a bright future and has the talent and potential to win championship for India one day.
Cycling gives you a thrill that makes it more likely that you'll maintain cycling frequently and its appropriate for adolescents and youth. Regularly cycling can lessen mental health disorders, including depression, tension, and anxiety. Stress, depression, or anxiety symptoms can be reduced by cycling. Lamdon has established Lamdon Cycling Club to promote physical and mental health of the students and to reduce carbon footprints to protect the sanctity of the environment. The LCC is getting popular among students.