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Youngest girl to reach the summit of Mount Everest Poorna Malavath interacts with Lamdon Student...

In order to achieve success, you must dream big” said Poorna Malavath to our students this afternoon during an Interactive session.

Life is full of challenges. Some people seem to meet every challenge with confidence, while others struggle to overcome them. One of the greatest challenge one can think of challenging themselves both physically and mentally is to climb the Mount Everest and unfurl his or her National flag. Many have tried to conquer that height but couldn’t succeed though. One has to have strong determination and willpower to do so. Poorna Malavath is one among many with a brave heart, determination, skill, hard work, willpower and courage who reached to the top to hoist the Tricolour Indian flag with pride. What is more inspiring was that she is the youngest girl ever to reach the summit of Mount Everest at the age of 13.

We are so glad that she visited the school today and interacted with the students. A film was produced by Rahul Bose depicting the life struggle and success story of Poorna. The name of the film is ‘Poorna’. The Trailer of the movie along with a 10 minutes clip from the movie was shown to the students. We wish we could have shown more of her Everest expedition in the film. It was only a small part of the otherwise two-hour long film. However the students enjoyed the film and gave a thundering applause to Poorna for her will power, determination and for just being an inspiration to the students.

In her address, she mentioned how hard it was in reaching the top of the world but with utmost determination she made it possible. This fearless girl has climbed the tallest peaks on six continents and is aiming to climb the seventh continents proving that you can achieve anything if set your mind to it.

She continues to be an inspiration for all young girls, and her hike to the top is no less than a proud statement asserting that girls can indeed do anything and proved that you don’t need wings to fly high.

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