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The school administration is committed to imbibe the culture of friendship and appreciation of diverse styles and curriculum that exists in Ladakh by offering opportunities to interact with other schools and students by way of exchange programs. Both the Teachers and Students are encouraged to participate in these exchange programmes which are conducted both within and outside Ladakh.

As part of these exchange programs, we were extremely happy and glad to welcome a group of Teachers from one of the most reputed schools in Ladakh Mahabodhi Residential School led by it’s Principal Ms. Tsewang Dolma. The delegation was welcomed by our Principal Dr. Stanzin Dawa. Our team at Lamdon ensured that their friend teachers from Mahabodhi discovered our entire school and its system by taking them for a tour to the entire Campus and had a very interesting and very much needed interactions and discussions.

The two schools will now take this partnership forward with students and teachers’ exchange programs amongst other various activities which will help to enrich and enlighten the lives of students from both the schools.

We very much hope that such exchange programs will provide an interschool learning opportunities to help both the teachers and students develop the knowledge, skills and understanding needed to create a more just and prosperous Ladakh.

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